Dear Alamitos Bay Sailing Foundation,
Thank you for supporting my trip to Buzios, Brazil. The Youth World Championships
was an incredible regatta and I was very proud to be able to represent ABSF. The venue that we
sailed in had a range of conditions throughout the regatta. Unfortunately, the sails that we were
supposed to get 3 days before the regatta did not make it until the morning of the first day of
racing. Thankfully, I brought my own practice sail that I was able to use, however, I had to
share it with 3 other countries on the practice days. I had a rough start to the regatta, scoring a
BFD and a 32 on the first day in really light wind. On the second day I scored an 11 and a 22 in
about 10-12 knots. On day 3, it was really light again and I was able to pull an 8 and a 23 which
moved me up a lot in the overall standings. On day 4 and 5 it blew 25 knots and I was able to
score two 15s and a 17. Despite my rough start, I was able to rally back and finish in the top 20
out of a very good 50 boat fleet in very extreme conditions. Overall, I am very happy with my
performance and I couldn’t ask for a better way to close out my youth sailing career. This was
my favorite regatta that I ever sailed and I am going to cherish all the memories that I made here.
I am extremely thankful for all of the support that the ABSF gave me and for assisting me in
experiencing this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.